“What was the geography in Saudi Arabia?” “There is a very big desert in Saudi Arabia, and is surrounded by the Red Sea, and there are lots of mountains, and there are oasis in the dessert.” “Just one more thing, you are close, I will give a hint. It’s next to the ocean…”
六年级课程视频剪辑 LEVEL-6
“A rift forms when 2 plates drift apart, this opening is the rift.” “So when 2 plates go in different directions they will form a rift?” “Yes. Now this is how submarine volcanoes are formed, now common sense is going to come into play. If there is a crack, it has to have something in it right? In this case it’s magma. And if these plates drift apart, the magma is going to come out into the ocean and will cool to form submarine volcanoes, eventually…”
五年级课程视频剪辑 LEVEL-5
“Yes, I think there is another reason.” “Yes, what is this other reason?” “In the 14th to 15th century, the Europeans, like Britain and Germany, went to Africa and made colonies. They wanted to get the gold, and they wanted to bring the gold to Europe so they could make a fortune. So the people didn’t like the Europeans, so they kept the gold mines’ location a secret.” “Yea, this is similar to when…”
四年级课程视频剪辑 LEVEL-4
“ Wrestled is the past tense for wrest. Wrest means you forcefully pull or push, but mostly pull something from someone’s grasp. Do you understand? Do you want me to explain it again?” “Yes.” “Alright, wrestled or wrest means you forcefully pull something from someone else’s hands, or grasp.” “Yes, so it means you grab something from other people’s hands?” “Yes, but with more force, usually grab is kind of… but wrest has more force. Like this…you just forcefully pull it away. Do you get it?” “Yes.” “Great!”
三年级课程视频剪辑 LEVEL-3
“Kind of like stubborn, or rebellious. For example, if you have a little sister and she is hard to deal with. For example your sister annoys you a lot, and breaks your stuff and cries a lot… can you relate?” “So, it’s like, hard to control?” “Yea, hard to control, good, you understand very fast.”
二年级课程视频剪辑 LEVEL-2
“Raised. They raised their hooves. They have some good ideas. For rules, they wanted in place.” “One last time, but this time you read it without me.”
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