Art Supply List

22. Blick Premier Stretched Cotton Canvas – Traditional Profile, Splined

23. Winsor & Newton Winton Hog Bristle Brushes – Set 2, Pkg of 3

24. Winsor & Newton Winton Hog Bristle Brush – Flat, Long Handle, Size 12

25. Weber Turpenoid Natural – Pint

26. Gamblin Galkyd Lite – 4.2 oz bottle

27. Winsor & Newton Winton Oil Color 

cadmium lemon 086, cadmium yellow pale 119, cadmium red hue 095, permanent alizarin crimson 468, viridian hue 696, yellow ochre 744, French ultramarine 263, cobalt blue 178, titanium white 644, ivory black 331

Titanium white 200ml, the other colors 37ml